In this 3 day virtual symposium, we invite a curated group of thought leaders, practitioners, policymakers, funders, systems designers, educators, and technologists to come together in action, practice, and theory in service to some of the most pressing needs of our time.

Watch the sessions

We look forward to coming together for our next Open Future Forum.

In the meantime, catch up on the 2022 sessions in the playlist here.


Participants are invited to engage in a series of cross sectoral discussions, design sprints, and topical roundtables to advance participatory demonstration projects, share models and examples from their own efforts, and cross pollinate theories and frameworks based on these examples of applied action. 

Our intent is to amplify the rich ecosystem of partners we are weaving to co-resource existing needs and strengthen the capacities of each of our initiatives, emerging with tangible plans and context for ongoing, mutually supportive engagement in our collective efforts. We know that in order to liberate our common future, we must be willing to positively disrupt concentrations of power, deepen our practices for self-organizing, question our assumptions, and lean into shared emergence. 


“How do we prepare our cities, our built environments, and our communities to be resilient in a time of growing instability?” 

  • A participatory visioning exercise in collaboration with the Guild of Future Architects.

  • In this roundtable discussion, we will look at issues of displacement through the lens of SDG17—partnership towards the goals. We will highlight some existing examples of inter-agency, public, and private collaboration within the space, name common obstacles to collaboration, and identify possible paths forward.

    Panelists include:
    Shivani Singh - Pathfinders
    Kevin Rowell - United Refuge
    Bahati Kanyamanza - Asylum Access
    Alexander Svechenko - Restart Ukraine
    Annegret Wulff - Vidnova

  • Human health and wellbeing are increasingly dependent on the health and wellbeing of our planet’s ecosystems, as well as the built environment. Historically, the green building movement focused on energy efficiency, conservation, and raising environmental standards in the built environment: overlooking the harmful chemicals often present in our building materials. Please join this roundtable discussion and meet some of the pioneers in the green building movement, as well as the Executive Director of the Helen R. Walton Children’s Enrichment Center, one of the first early childcare centers in the nation to eliminate six classes of the harmful toxic chemicals in the built environment and the Dean of the Parsons School of Design and the Healthy Building Materials Lab.

    Panelists include:
    Michelle Barnes - Helen R. Walton Center
    Dave Lewis - Co-Founder of LTL Architects & Dean of the Parsons School of Design
    Bob Berkebile - BNIM Architects, U.S. Green Building Council, & Heartland P5
    Anne Robertson - Toxic Free Futures
    John Porretto - Verde Capital Resources

  • A roundtable of equitable real estate developers, funders, & policymakers sharing learnings from current demonstration projects, with opportunities to participate in skill & value exchange.

    Presenters include:
    Juan Saldana - P3 Markets
    Ann Helmke - Compassionate San Antonio
    Tyler Wood - Carbotura & Hot Planet Repair

    Madebo Fatunde - IFAfrica
    Laura Burgis - Human Values Center
    Tayyib Smith - Growth Collective
    Karuna Warren - WaterNow
    Alexander Svechenko - Restart Ukraine
    Dr. Gajanan G. Sabhahit, Sri Sathya Sai Premaarpitham Foundation
    Deborah Marton - Van Alen Institute
Alan Dones - SUDA LLC
    Bob Berkebile - Heartland P5 & BNIM Architects

  • Community resilience has a lot of dimensions, from housing and disaster readiness to economic development and wealth creation. In this roundtable discussion, we will showcase existing models for funding community resilience on local and regional scales, learn from one another’s challenges, and identify common paths forward.

  • Cohesion within, and compatibility between, networks require innovative and responsive social and legal governance to enable stewardship and cooperation. In this interactive roundtable, we will explore the question, "how do we network networks?", highlighting examples of what has worked well, and where we face collective challenges in modeling organizing patterns for dynamic, distributed, yet interrelated commons of sovereign and integral networks. Facilitated in partnership with Prosocial.

    Participants include:
    Jeff Genung- Prosocial
    Dounia Saeme- Prosocial
    Donna Nelham - Unstitution
    Mark Beam - Guild of Future Architects
    Elliot Bayev - Global Unity
    Faith Flannigan - Buckminster Fuller Institute
    Lauren Archer - Kinship Earth
    Stephen Gomes, Ph.D - Kinship Earth
    Jordan Sukut - Lionsberg
    Rieki Cordon - Hypha/ Regen Civics Alliance
    Jeff Clearwater - Village Lab
    Keala Young - Collaborative Tech Alliance
    Elizabeth Herald - Water Unity Network

(all times are in PST)


“What key interventions can we advance in service of more resilient, healthful, and just food systems?” 

  • Item description
  • A facilitated roundtable of practitioner presentations and dialogue showcasing bioregional regenerative agriculture and agroforestry demonstration projects.

    Presenters include:
    Dan Krull & Jacob Canyon - Regen Partners
    Josh Hughes - Verde Energia
    Katharina Serafimova - Associação Terra Sintrópica
    Kirk Bergstrom & Aram Armstrong- Nourish Hawai’i
    Prishani Satyapal - Sustainability Truthing
    Geoffrey Kwala- Uganda Regenerative Agriculture
    Nathan Lou - Mongol Tribe
    Dan Ward - Wales Transition Lab
    Chris Hardy- Grow Hardy Seeds
    Cindy Tolle- Evergreen Ranching

  • In this interdisciplinary panel, food and agriculture professionals will explore their challenges and successes in funding regenerative behavior in their production and business practices, from farm to table. After the panel discussion, practitioners will engage in an interactive discussion to identify remaining hopes, needs, opportunities to solve them, and how Open Impact may help them achieve their goals.

    Panelists include:
    Chef Michael Foust, Chartwells
    Dan Kuebler, Salad Garden, Columbia Farmers Market
    Nelson Sousa, Boys Grow
    Lindsey Jones, Missouri Organic Association
    Jacob Canyon & Dan Krull, Regen Partners
    Dari Biswanath, NC A&T Cooperative Extension
    Emily Wright, Three Creeks Farm and Forest
    Bill Stoddart, Iroquois Valley Farmland REIT
    Arno Hesse, Slow Money Norcal

  • In this participatory discussion on the fundamental right to access of nutritious, affordable, and culturally-appropriate food for all, we will explore disparities in food access, particularly for communities of color and low-income communities, examining the structural roots of our food system, and solutions for ensuring resilience and health in communities.

    Panelists include:
    Malik Yakini - Detroit Black Community Security Network
    Coach D Williams - Get Fit, Fly Right NY
    Andres Jara - Roots, Rice & Beans
    Mafah Cornelius Kuta - Wandusoa Organic Cameroon
    Suparna Kudesia - CoFED
    Alison Hensley-Sexaur - Rouge Valley Food Systems

  • As a culmination of the morning’s conversation on “Funding from farm to table,” we’ll dive into the collaborative effort between Open Future Coalition, NC A&T, and a coalition of university and community partners to restore federal matching dollars to local communities and fund smallholder farmers and producers throughout the U.S.

    After an overview of the effort and its aims, this participatory design session will invite shared thinking on an ongoing collaborative effort to better unlock and apply hundreds of millions in federal funding currently being left on the table.

  • Workshop and roundtable discussion on Regenerate America Initiative focused on for the 2023 US Farm Bill, hosted by American Sustainable Business Network.

  • Hosted by Reconsider.

  • In this participatory roundtable, we will explore how health, nutrition, and community security is intimately tied to the vitality of the land, water, and soils. We'll outline the inherent connection between soil microbiomes and human microbiomes and discuss how transitioning to regenerative agriculture is a direct intervention to ensuring wellbeing in our communities.

    Panelists include:
    Dan Kittredge - Bionutrient Food Association
    Dr. Nasha Winters- Metabolic Terrain Institute of Health
    Marianne Wyne - Planetary Care
    Dr. Melanie Carlone DPT- NuraHealth & Planetary Care
    Adam Fishman - Onora

(All times in PST)

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“How do we cooperate to avert planetary tipping points while working to regenerate and restore a thriving biosphere?” 

  • A participatory visioning exercise in collaboration with the Guild of Future Architects.

  • This session will examine models for local stewardship in the funding of ecological restoration, including the highlight of several emerging funds and pilot projects focused on indigenous stewarded land restoration.

    Pablo Friedlander - Treeangle Foundation
    Amanda Efthimiou - El Puente
    Kaitlin Archambault - Open Future Fund
    Angela Martínez - Amazon Defenders Fund
    Miriam Volat - Indigenous Medicine Conservation Fund

  • A facilitated roundtable of presentations and dialogue showcasing bioregional demonstration projects practicing ecological restoration in dynamic ecologies.

    Presenters include:
    Minni Jain - The Flow Partnership
    John D Liu - Ecosystem Restoration Camps
    Stefan Schwarzer - Climate Landscapes
    Atossa Soltani - Amazon Sacred Headwaters Alliance
    Marcel DeBerg - Green Water Cools
    Mark Nelson, Meridel Rubenstein, Dr. Davide Tocchetto - Eden in Iraq
    Kyle Hence - Many Rivers, One Ocean
    Rob DeLaet - World Climate School
    Florent Kaiser - Accion Andina
    Johnathan Kabat - Hotlum Ecorestoration Camp
    Oriol Tarragó Costa- Montserrat Project
    Cindy Tolle- Evergreen Ranching
    Pablo Friedlander- Treeangle Foundation

  • Facilitated roundtable sharing science and ecological knowledge of the inter-related interactions between water, soil, vegetation and climate. We'll dive into the cascading benefits when these dynamic ecologies are intact, and the devastating consequences to the entire web of life when the balance of these ecologies are disrupted.

    Panelists Include;

    Ananda Fitzsimmons - Regeneration Canada
    Philip Franses - The Flow Partnership
    Rob DeLaet - World Climate School
    Marcel De Berg - Green Water Cools
    Erica Gies - Author: “Water Always Wins: Thriving in an age of drought and deluge”
    Stefan Schwarzer - Climate Landscapes
    Alpha Lo - Regenerative Water Alliance
    Jackson Buzingo- Syntropic Agroforestry

  • To advance solutions for ecological restoration (and systems change at large) at scale, we must challenge and expand upon existing practices for collective learning and knowledge sharing. In this facilitated roundtable discussion, we will share our current successes, challenges, and explore possibilities for our shared path ahead.

    Panelists Include;

    Deborah Snyder - Institute of Ecotechnics
    Keala Young- Culture Seed/ VillageLab
    Kirk Bergstrom - Imagine.World
    Jon Schull - Ecorestoration Alliance
    Jeff Clearwater - VillageLab
    Nathan Gray - Geoversity
    Caroline Paulick-Thiel - Politics for Tomorrow
    Vincent Arena - Catalyst
    Mickael Levy - Academia Biospherica
    Rebecca Harman - Regen Network

  • In this session, we’ll hear from projects the challenges of funding ecological restoration, and explore possible paths forward.

    Participants include:
    Chid Liberty, Made in Africa
    Deborah Stern, Capital for Climate
    Karl Burkart, One Earth
    Sushant Shrestha, Humanitas Smart Planet Systems
    Rebecca Harman, Regen Network

  • We are living in a time of massive intergenerational transition of wealth, culture, and knowledge. With a new generation inheriting both a wealth of innovation and planetary risk, this panel will examine successful practices in intergenerational bridge building, followed by a participatory inquiry into the path forward. Facilitated in partnership with Intergen.

    Panelists Include;

    Sofia Sunaga - Intergen
    David Chang - Intergen
    Lauren Archer - Kinship Earth
    Jeff Genung - Prosocial
    Astrid Montuclard - The East Point Peace Academy

  • Participatory dialogue co-sensing strategic opportunities to cooperatively leverage the power of storytelling and media to shape solutions-focused narratives and drive collective action.

    Participants include:
    Roberta Baskin - Investigative Journalist
    Eric Watson - Protozoa Pictures
    Paul Redman - If Not Us Then Who
    Sanjeev Chatterjee - Media for Change
    Marcina Hale - Reconsider
    David Hernandez - If Not Us Then Who
    Kojo Sankofa - Filmmaker, Journalist, Storyteller
    Isa Santana- If Not Us Then Who
    Fran Sterling - Blueshift Education
    Jake Kelley - Our Planet, Our Future
    John D Liu - Environmental Education Media Project
    Jon Schull- Ecorestoration Alliance
    Moran Sol Broza- Be
    Elizabeth Herald - Water Unity Network
    Ian Mackenzie - Reculture North Studios

  • Facilitated participatory discussion of co-liberation, how it cannot be experienced without recognizing the sovereignty and inherent rights of traditional peoples of place AND of nature itself; exploring how stewardship, accountability, recognition, reciprocity, reparations and reconciliation are foundational to any true systemic change.

    Panelists include:
    Atossa Soltani - Amazon Sacred Headwaters Alliance
    Osprey Orielle - Womens’ Environmental and Climate Action Network
    Carmen Sandoval - Santa Ynez Chumash - Artist & Educator
    Iniquilipi Gracilio Chiari Lombardo - Guna Nation- Panama
    Cassandra Ferrara - Center for Ethical Land Transition
    David Hernandez- If Not Us Then Who
    Nathan Lou - Mongol Tribe
    Mariana Bandera - Vivencia Project
    Miguel Rivera - Guild of Future Architects
    Nathan Gray - Geoversity
    Emanuel Brown - Acorn Center

  • This participatory roundtable discussion will explore the risks of using technology to reinforce our separation from living systems, and the power of technology to serve nature and human evolution. By viewing technology through a living systems lens, we can harness the capacity to unlock true human potential and planetary flourishing.

    Participants include:
    Ferananda Ibarra - Commons Engine
    Adina Popescu - AERTH
    Keala Young - Collaborative Tech Alliance
    Tibet Sprague - Hylo
    Adam Apollo - Superluminal
    Rieki Cordon - Hypha
    Ale Salvot - TUVO
    Brad DeGraf - Sociative
    Kaitlin Archambault - Open Future Coalition

(All times in PST)